Monday, September 15, 2014

Podcast on Maus

To add some other media to the mix, I made a small podcast in answer to some of your great points/ questions about Maus.  Take a listen, and let me know what you think and if my thoughts are helpful.


  1. Thank you for the podcast, it was actually a nice change of pace. It was very helpful for me in answering some question that were really irritating me. The question with the masks being the most concerning. I didn't think that the masks were portraying the choice of ethnicity and choosing what you want to be, until you explained it. Again thanks for doing this podcast. It was very helpful to me in understanding Maus better.

  2. I also found the podcast helpful and a nice change of pace. Thanks for including it and I hope to hear more.

  3. I found your point about Art's mask really interesting. I didn't think about it as him feeling uncomfortable or hiding his face, but I really think there is something to that. When he gets hounded by the media, he begins to shrink and feel childish and small. I think he is very honest of his own emotions in his own representation, so I don't think its far off to think of Art as confused about his place in the story and how he should be seen. Your comment about Speigelman being a "professional Jew" is also very interesting; it makes me wonder how he handled getting a Pulitzer prize and the fame his novel has developed. This podcast definitely got me thinking about some things I didn't consider.
